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Celebration of Republic Day (26/01/2022)
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To be announced Welcome to ICFRE-Skill Development Centre, Chhindwara (Madhya Pradesh)

Any ambitious programme of afforestation and sustainable forest resource management needs a cadre of motivated well trained personnel who should be able to take new challenges in forestry sector. This would necessitate sufficient infrastructure training facilities and resource personnel. Such an endeavour would entail the development of modern facilities. Up to date technology in plantation management imparts forest resource utilization skills and cost effective management practices to users of different level. The availability of trained personnel in forestry is very low in the country at present. The apathy amongst people towards sector is primarily due to low awareness about the problems of forest resource management. An independent centre for human resource development attending to specialized practical training in forestry sector with special emphasis on excellence in nursery and plantation technology was therefore an urgent necessity.

Situated in Madhya Pradesh, heart land of India , ICFRE-Skill Development Centre established at Chhindwara is one of the centre of Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun. It has unique distinction of being the first centre of its kind in Asia for the development of human resource in forestry sector leading towards the poverty alleviation. Central plateau of India is dominated by tribal population who are mainly dependent on forestry resource. Shortage of water, energy, employment and climatic change due to deforestation is resulting into environmental degradation and causing great concern in this area. To cater the specific needs of central India in relation to development of specialized human resource through training in different advanced forestry technology, the centre has been located in the most representative district of Chhindwara. Honourable Minister of Environment and Forest , Government of India has laid the foundation stone of the institute on 30th March 1995 .
The centre is located on Chhindwara-Panchmari state highway, 8 kms from Chhindwara town at Poama village. Chhindwara is well connected by road, Nagpur (125 km), Jabalpur (215 km) and Bhopal (280km). In additional it has rail linkage also. A functional air strip along with helipad is also located at Chhindwara.
The centre promises of great help in upgrading the forestry skills to the local as well as the people all over the country and even abroad in increasing their income levels through self employment and better utilization of environmental opportunity.


To Generate, preserve, disseminate and advance knowledge, technologies and solutions for addressing issues arising out of interaction between people and forests and environment on sustained basis through research, education and extension.


  • Green Skill Development of forest dependent communities and front line staff.

  • To carry out research and training in NWFP with focus on harvesting, primary processing, value addition and biodiversity assessment.

  • To disseminate HRM available technologies/processes/tools to user groups for conservation and sustainable use of forest resources.

  • To support the institute in research, education and extension in the area of jurisdiction.

Mountain Reflection
Nature Girl

Thrust Areas

Non-wood forest products
Nursery techniques of forest species and medicinal plants
Genetics and tree improvement
Human resource development


Forests & forestry sectors in central India comprising of the states of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra

Horti-Medico Trial

Clonal Seed Orchards


ICFRE-Skill Development Centre, Chhindwara

It is a satellite centre of ICFRE-Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur (M.P.).

Scientist-In Charge

ICFRE - Skill Development Centre,
PO-Kundalikala, Poama, Parasia Road
Chhindwara -480001 (MP)

Phone No. +91 - 9826884168

Contact Phone Numbers:   

Phone No. +91 - 7162 - 299400
incharge_frcsd@icfre.org, dir_cfrhrd@rediffmail.com
Parent Institute: 
ICFRE-Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur  
P.O.: R.F.R.C., Mandla Road,
Jabalpur (M.P.) - 482 021
E-Mail: dir_tfri@icfre.org


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